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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Aero Fox for Mac is Available

I have put the link to download Aero Fox for Mac users on my site at http://www.virtusdesigns.com

This is the first to be released specifically for Mac and the rest are on their way.

Friday, July 18, 2008

mac versions this weekend?

My goal and hope is to have my theme ready to go on Mac this weekend.


I have Aero Fox for Mac 95% complete. I have to go through and make sure everything is looking alright.

As for things that I was able to improve
  • Scroll Bars look like they should on Mac OS
  • Main Toolbar is narrower and takes up less space (this will be included in my Windows version update as well)
  • popup windows will not have invisible text
  • It should be compatible with Tab Mix Plus (Another included update for Windows version)
Once I get this theme to my complete satisfaction, I will be able to quickly get the rest of my themes updated and working on Mac.

I was hoping to get them all done by the end of tonight but I had more things to fix than I realized. Look for their availability on my main site (http://www.virtusdesigns.com) in the next few days.